Translation of Birth opslag

Startet af Stuart Anderson, 13 Sep 2011 - 23:18

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Stuart Anderson


I am seeking a translation of Opslag 100    1750  -  1814 Albaek,
Dronninglund, Hjorring.
If I am correct this is the birth entry for Karen Christensdatter.

Thank you

Stuart Anderson

Lis B. Jensen

Hi Stu

as I see it the morthers name is Ane Jørgensdatter and as father could it be Christen?? Christopher ... But the text is very poor - so I am not sure and  I hope someone else can help You too.

Have a nice day
Lis B. Jensen
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Stuart Anderson

Karen - uægte

Anne Jørgensdatters uægte B. [?] af Søraa. Til
Barnefader udlagt en ved [?] Navn Christopher
.. Sr. Geheime-Raad Gabel i Aalborg for ........

. Ane Kjerstine ...... Mette ...... .......
..... Andersdatter ibid, Niels ....redsen [?] ibid.
..... Mogensen ibid, Simon Jeppesen ibid.

11 Febr. og Dm. Sexag.

I recieved this in a private email. Could anyone fill in some blanks and further interpret the email .


Stuart Anderson

Lis B. Jensen

Hi Stu

I think is says:
. Ane Kjerstine ...... Mette ...... .......
Maren Andersdatter ibid, Niels ....redsen [?] ibid.
Birthe Mogensen ibid, Simon Jeppesen ibid.

Lis B. Jensen
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