Help wanted for spelling of name

Startet af george capton, 22 Maj 2024 - 16:54

Forrige emne - Næste emne

george capton

Hi I do not know how to spell the third name of Niels Peter G?
 I find it on the census spelled Gulbeck it does not seem right.

The fathers name on the marriage for Dec 29 1917 page 182 is hard to spell too.

Thanks George

Inge Olesen

Guldbæk or Guldbaek, for those who doesn't use the letter "æ"

Guldbaek is a small stream in the area, and also the name of a small village near Ellidshøj.

The name was given to the stream because of the ochre in the water, giving a golden colour.
Venlig hilsen
Inge Olesen

george capton

Thanks your help Inge.
