Norwegians in Denmark

Startet af Matthew Bagley, 04 Jan 2024 - 00:02

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Matthew Bagley

I am trying to find the origins or birth record for my ancestor Katrine Hedevig Berntzen.  She was born around 1777, and shows up in the 1801 census in Halsted, Lolland, where she later married, had five children and died in 1815.  Her marriage record refers to her as "jomfru."  The records always identify her as Berntzen, never Berntzdatter.  To me, that name seems more Norwegian than Danish, I don't recall coming across that name before in my research of Danish records.  Was there much movement between Norway and Denmark in the late 1700s?  Are there are any sources that would identify Norwegians coming to Denmark during that time to settle down?

Aksel Koplev


I cannot give you an exact answer, but some hints:

The reference "Jomfru" hints to a higher status i society in relation to "pige" for the unmarried daughter of ordinary folks.

In the 18th century the Danish kings was kings of both Norway and Denmark, so there was some exchange of people between the two parts of the kingdom.

Hop this helps a bit


Bente Wanning

Viser lige ft 1801

Alle oplysninger vedr. den valgte person

Navn:   Hedevig Berntzen
Alder:   25   Civilstand:   Ugift
Erhverv:   Stuepige
Kildehenvisning:   42
Kilde:   FT-1801   Husstands-/familienr:   1
Sogn:   Halsted   Herred:   Lollands Nørre
Amt:   Maribo   Stednavn:   Juellinge
Indtastningsnr:   B7674   Løbenr.:   16
Samtlige personer i husstanden
Maribo, Lollands Nørre, Halsted, Juellinge, , 1, FT-1801, B7674
Navn:    Alder:    Status:    Stilling i familien:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Friderich Kragh Juell Wind     49     Gift     Friherre til Baroniet Juellinge.     Kamerherre, Stifts. Befalings Mand over Lolland og Falster      
Frideriche Juliane!!     42     Gift     Hans Frue     !! Grevinde af Holstein      
Sophie Caroline Juel Wind     19     Ugift     Deres Barn           
Henriette Charlotte Juel Wind     17     Ugift     Deres Barn           
Louise Adelaide Juel Wind     15     Ugift     Deres Barn           
Caroline Auguste Juel Wind     11     Ugift     Deres Barn           
Erhard Juel Wind     13     Ugift     Deres Barn           
Antonette Nancy Juel Wind     4     Ugift     Deres Barn           
Emil August Ehlers     26     Ugift     Reysende     Doctor medicinæ og chirurgiæ      
Johanne Amalie Hane     31     Ugift          Guvernantinde      
Peder Both     20     Ugift          Hovmester, Stud. Geolog.      
Georg Jesper Rostrup     26     Ugift          Forvalter ved Baroniet      
Jacob Soell     24     Ugift          Skriverkarl ved Stiftkontoret      
Eleonore Charlotte Tom     33     Ugift          Kamerpige      
Johanne Boye     30     Ugift          Frøkenpige      
Hedevig Berntzen     25     Ugift          Stuepige      
Kirsten Pedersdatter     34     Enke(mand)          Huusholderske      
Karen Jensdatter     34     Ugift          Kokkepige      
Ingeborg Pedersdatter     31     Ugift          Bryggerpi
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Name   Catrine Hedvig Berntzen
Gender   Female
Marriage Date   3. nov. 1802 (3 Nov 1802)
Marriage Place   Halsted,Maribo,Denmark
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Et bud

Name   Cathrina Hedewig Berndsen
Gender   weiblich (Female)
Event Type   Taufe (Baptism)
Birth Date   28 Feb 1776
Baptism Date   29 Feb 1776
Baptism Place   Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland (Germany)
Christian Fridrich Berndsen
Ann Cathrin Berndsen
Page number   104
Author   Evangelische Kirche Gelting (Kr. Flensburg)
Publication City or District   Gelting 
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Lisa Petersen

Here is another thread about her,195262.0.html

Lisa Petersen
near Washington D.C.

Matthew Bagley

Thank you Aksel, Bente and Lisa!

Matthew Bagley

Bente, that birth record is very interesting, I would not have thought to have looked in that direction.  And thank you very much!  Do you know where I can view an image of the original birth record?

Bente Wanning

Read right side below
Clip from Ancestry.
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Matthew Bagley

Thank you again, Bente!