marriage and baptism in Copenhagen 2

Startet af Annick ANDERSEN, 26 Nov 2023 - 11:44

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clarification to the message "marriage and baptism in Copenhagen"

Good morning
since 1905, in France, the State has managed civil status. It is therefore possible to get married, to be baptized, to be buried civilly and or not to follow a religious ceremony. I ask you if it is possible that the civil marriage of my grandparents and the declaration of civil birth of my father could have been followed by a religious ceremony in Copenhagen.

I thank you in advance


Svend Aage Mikkelsen


Civil mariage you can find online at

Arkivserie: Register til borgerlig vielser (1851 - 1922)
Arkivskaber: Københavns Kommune, Giftefoged (1851-1922)
Arkivseriens navn: Register til borgerlig vielser (Officielt)
Arkivseriens datering: Dannelse: 1851 - 1922

Svend Aage
Svend Aage

Bjørn Marcher

Hi Annick,

sorry, did not read this before answering you in the Part 1 posted....  ;)

Still a good question, and I am not sure of the answer. Could you give a clue of the approximate year?

best regards

Bjørn Marcher
2670 Greve
Medlem af DIS-Danmark


Thank you for your answers
my grandparents were married on January 12, 1920 in Paris. They lived in Copenhagen from November 1, 1920 to May 1, 1922, Kastelsvej 27, ground floor. My father was born on June 12, 1922 in Bordeaux Andersen Frederikke née Olsen veuve et Gunild adresses en 1915 et 1922 PR.JPGand was baptized. I can't tell you more, I am attaching a police form with his grandmother's address.
I don't understand and I don't read Danish, I'm sorry.

Bjørn Marcher

Hi Annick,

you wrote that your grandfather is Danish. Who is then your grandfather?  Gunild is a female...

I found the census records for Gunild and Frederikke in 1921, in Gothersgade 175 (3.sal) :

Here they are enlisted as temporarily absent - as being in Egypt! Very unusual at that time!
Mother is Frederikka Andersen, born 28/9 1881 i Copenhagen, Widow.
Daugther is Gunild Andersen, born in Vedbæk 3/9 1901. Unmarried.
(Vedbæk is a village some 10 km north of Copenhagen.)

I also found them at similar census'es in 1925 and 1930, basically reporting that Gunild is unmarried:


You also quote the adress Kastelsvej 27, ground floor (stuen) , and in the 1921 census here

is interesting:

Henry Carl Andersen, born 13.1893 in Copenhagen. Is "Prokurist" in Furs & Leather.
Jeanne Andersen, born 1895 in France (no town mentioned) 21/9 1895. Wife. Came to Copenhagen in the year 1921. 

Looking forward to your comments.

best regards

Bjørn Marcher
2670 Greve
Medlem af DIS-Danmark

Bente Wanning

Namn   Frederikke Olsen
Kön   Kvinde (Kvinna)
Giftermålsålder   22
Typ av händelse   ægteskab (Vigsel)
Födelsedatum   28. sep. 1870 (28 sep. 1870)
Vigseldatum   18. nov. 1892 (18 nov. 1892)
Vigselort   Skt. Johannes, Copenhagen, Danmark
Carl Frederik Olsen
Louise Cecilie Jensen
Jens Peder Andersen 

Marriage Jens Peder Andersen and Frederikke Olsen
#  407,26068884   
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Census 1901 Copenhagen

Jens Peter Andersen   Male   Nørre Farimagsgade   28 Sep 1854   Married   Head   Head   G   1892   1
    Frederikke Andersen   Female   Nørre Farimagsgade   28 Sep 1870   Married   Wife   Wife   G      2
    Henry Carl Andersen   Female   Nørre Farimagsgade   13 Jan 1894   Single   Daughter   Daughter   U      3 Wrong he is a male
    Kay Louis Andersen   Male   Nørre Farimagsgade   09 Sep 1895   Single   Son   Son   U      3
    Gudrun Andersen   Female   Nørre Farimagsgade   16 Mar 1898   Single   Daughter   Daughter   U      3   

Family # 5 Below   
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Namn   Henrÿ Carl Andersen
Kön   Mandlig (Man)
Ålder vid dop   0
Typ av händelse   dåb (Dop)
Födelsedatum   13. jan. 1894 (13 jan. 1894)
Dopdatum   20. apr. 1894 (20 apr. 1894)
Doport   Holmens, København, Danmark
Jens Peter Andersen
Frederikka Olsen 


Namn   Henry Carl Andersen
Kön   Mandlig (Man)
Konfirmationsålder   15
Typ av händelse   Konfirmation
Födelsedatum   13. jan. 1894 (13 jan. 1894)
Konfirmationsdatum   4. apr. 1909 (4 apr. 1909)
Konfirmationsplats   Holmens, København, Danmark
Jens Peter Andersen
Frederikke Olsen 

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Frederikke Olsen was born at the Royal Birth Clinic in Copenhagen 28 September 1870 and baptisd same place 4 October 1870
as child no 343 and mother no 345
Parents was Carl Frederik Olsen and his wife Louise Cecilie born J???,78391672
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Mainprotocol = Hovedprotokollen
#345 Frederikke Olsen,37044   

Departure protocol = Udsætterprotokollerne
# 564

Frederikke Olsen was sent to a fosterfamily
Hans Mathiesen and his wife Kirstine Nielsen living Lundtofte recommented by doctor proffessor Mühre from Lyngby,24253   

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Census 1870 1. februar 1870
Where Frederikke Olsen was sent into fostercare later in 1870

Alle oplysninger vedr. den valgte person

Navn:   Hans Mathiasen   Køn:   M
Alder:   29   Civilstand:   G
Stilling i husstanden:   Husfader   Fødested:   Lundtofte København Amt
Erhverv:   Arbejdsmand
Kildehenvisning:   Hovedliste opslag 111   trossamfund:   Luthransk
Kilde:   FT-1870   Husstands-/familienr:   519
Matrnr/adresse:   Hus
Sogn:   Lyngby   Herred:   Sokkelund
Amt:   København   Stednavn:   Lundtofte By. Lyngby Sogn
Indtastningsnr:   E2596   Løbenr.:   2200
Samtlige personer i husstanden
København, Sokkelund, Lyngby, Lundtofte By. Lyngby Sogn, Hus, 519, FT-1870, E2596
Navn:    Alder:    Status:    Stilling i familien:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Hans Mathiasen     29     G     Husfader     Arbejdsmand     Lundtofte København Amt 
Karen Krestine Nielsen     29     G     Husmoder          Herslev Frederiksborg Amt 
Niels Peter Thorvald Hansen     6     U     Barn          Lundtofte København Amt 
Alfred Mathias Edvard     3     U     Barn          Ørholm 
Hans Chr Vilh.     0     U     Barn          Lundtofte København Amt 
Kristiane Nielsen     20     U     Logerende          Herslev Frederiksborg Amt 
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -


thank you very much.
Henry Carl ANDERSEN my grandfather was born on January 13, 1894 in Copenhagen, he was the eldest son of Jens Peter and Frederikke OLSEN.
Indeed he married Jeannne SOMPROU, French, and they had 3 children, the eldest of whom was named Jean-Pierre.
Jens Peter, my great-grandfather was born on September 18, 1854 in Draaby Sogn, canton of Frederikborg in a chalet, he was the last of 10 children of the couple Anders PEDERSEN, owner and Kisten ANDERSTATTER. Jens Peter came to work in Copenhagen. He created the company ANDERSEN Jun & Co, a wholesale trader in leather and skins, headquartered at Dronningens Tvaegade 6 in Copenhagen.
He was Consul General and died in Piešťany in Slovakia.

I have little information about my grandfather and my great-grandfather. So I seek and ask for help.
Hence my questions, were my grandparents able to get married religiously in Copenhagen and was my father able to be baptized in Copenhagen. They could have stayed with my great-grandmother for a few days or weeks.


Aksel Koplev

Hello Annick,

The Danish marriage regulations differ from what you know from France: 
In Denmark there are two independent legal routes to marriage:

 In the church, and you will thus find the relevant records in the "Kirkebog".

Alternatively, the "borgerlig vielse" at the town hall. You will find a reference to this register in the answer of Svend Aage Mikkelsen from November 26th. 
So I Denmark you cannot be married twice.


You will find the following two notifications in: Samling af anmeldelser til Handelsregistrene, Januar 1919.
Collection of notifications to the Trade Registers, January 1919

Firmaet I. Andersen jun. & Co. har til bagekaldt den Jørgen Christen Hendil givne Prokura.
The firm I. Andersen Jr. & Co. has revoked the Jørgen Christen Hendil given Prokura

Frederikka Andersen, født Olsen, med Axel Simonsen som Lavværge driver Handel som eneste ansvarlig Indehaver af Firmaet Comptoir Franco Scandinave ved F. Andersen. Prokura er meddelt Theo dor Johan Frederik Andreas Holm.
Frederikka Andersen, née Olsen, with Axel Simonsen as low guardian, runs Handel as sole responsible owner of the company Comptoir Franco Scandinave by F. Andersen. Prokura has been notified to Theodor Johan Frederik Andreas Holm.

Link to the document: Samling af Anmeldelser til Handelsregistrene 1919 | Samling af Anmeldelser til Handelsregistrene (

Aksel Koplev


Aksel Koplev

Hello Annick,

In KRAK handelsvejviser ( KRAK trade directory) 1921 you will find  the Comptoir Franco Scandinave with an announcement about the company


Bjørn Marcher

Hi Annick,

you great-grandfather Jens Peter Andersen was confirmated in 1868 at the age of 14, as usual in Denmark.

Number 7 here

Please note the abbreviation afg. for both parents (afgåede), so they had both passed away at that time.

best regards


Bjørn Marcher
2670 Greve
Medlem af DIS-Danmark

Bjørn Marcher

Hi Annick,

i found the scanning of Jens Peter for you here, number 8:

As you may see, the date of birth was actually 28.September 1854 - and at the confirmation written as 29.sept. - not the 18. as you mention!

You find the older registration card for Jens Peter and frederikke here:

Here is the scan of the baptism of Henry Carl, they were living at Herluf Trollesgade 5, 2.floor at that time:

Hope this is useful.

best regards
Bjørn Marcher
2670 Greve
Medlem af DIS-Danmark


Many thanks again for all your information.
I am trying to reconstruct the life of my grandfather, Henry Carl, and of my great grandfather Jens Peder, as Consul General.
Is it a profession or an honorary distinction? Why was he in Slovenia when he died? I have a lot of questions but it's annoying to ask for help often.
Thank you again and I can help with French civil status if members ask you.

Aksel Koplev

Hi Annick,

I found Jens Peder in  "HOF- og STATSKALENDER 1910"  as well as for 1912. He Represented Costa Rica in Copenhagen. 

Link : Hof- og Statskalender 1910 go to Column LV
