Locate A Probate Record

Startet af GaroldJesse, 29 Nov 2023 - 06:44

Forrige emne - Næste emne


I have a line that has completely stopped and I don't know where else to look. The ancestor I am looking for is Katrine Hedevig Berntsen. She married on 3 November 1802 in Halsted, Maribo, Denmark to Niels Jensen who was a gardener at Halsted Kloster(at the time I think it was called Juellinge) and she was a Lady's Maid. She died on 18 Jan 1815 in Halsted, Maribo, Denmark. She was born around 1776 if the census records are to be believed. I was hoping to find a probate for her(if she had one) that might give more information about her birthplace or where she came from before she went to the estate where she worked. Any information on her would be helpful.

Thank you for your help!

-Jesse Jensen

Britta Hansen

Baroniet Juellinges Gods
Register til skifteprotokol [Probate Records] - Bernsen, Catrine Hedevig ....  ref 240, 255

Baroniet Juellinges Gods
Skifteprotokol left hand side.

Page 255
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Katrine Hedevig Jensen KB Halsted, Lollands Nørre, Maribo - death 18. Jan 1815 - 38 years old
Venlig hilsen
Britta Hansen


Lisa Petersen

This won't help solve your problem, but you can add these records to your collection if you don't already have them.

Baroniet Juellinges Gods Overformynderiprotokol 1785-1850
(guardianship records)

sons Erhardt and Carl, https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?bsid=328600#328600,66144190
son Christian, https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?bsid=328600#328600,66144191

Also, the family is in Family Tree at FamilySearch (requires username and password for access)

Good luck with the search.

Lisa Petersen
near Washington D.C.


Thank you so much for this information, Britta. If I could also please ask for a translation of these records? I can pick out the names of her husband and children, but I see other names and there is more written I can't read. And thank you for the other records, Lisa. My line comes through Carl, so it is very valuable to me! Thank you again everyone for your help!

-Jesse Jensen

Lisa Petersen

I can explain a bit of what's going on in the probate record (rather than transcribe the whole thing).

Referring to page 240b (back side of page 240)
On 18 Jan 1815, the death of Katrine Hedevig Bernsen, gardener Jensen's wife at Juellinge, was registered with the probate authorities at Baroniet Juellinges Gods.  Two men were witnesses and assessors of the estate:  sognefoged and gaardmand Jens Hansen of Høyfield and gaardmand Johan Snedker of Halsted.  Then the 3 sons and 2 daughters are listed with their ages.  Since the children were under age 25, a guardian, the parish clerk Hr. Nørbeck, was appointed for them.  Then the deceased's effects are listed.

Referring to page 241b
the total value of her estate was 538 rigsdaler 3 marks 8 shillings.  (A good way to get an idea whether this was a lot or a little, you could average the values of other people's estates some months before and after for this same area so that you have a comparison.)  At the end of this record, there are 5 original signatures:  Rostrup, likely the probate clerk;  widower N Jensen;  Nörbeck, the children's guardian; and Jens Hansen and Johan Hansen, the two assessors.

then on page 255
"on the same day" (go back to page 250 to find the date referred to, 11 Dec 1815), this time the witnesses are Jens Hansen of Høyfuld and Henders? Christensen of Hellinge.  Niels Jensen and Hr. Nörbeck were also present.  The costs of the probate administration are then listed, totaling  That leaves 495.1.13.5.  The widower gets half, and the rest is divided into 8 shares -- 2 shares for each of the sons, and 1 for each of the daughters.

on page 255b
here it looks like the widower Niels Jensen is giving the 2 daughters a little extra.  The probate is then finished, and 5 original signatures follow.

Interesting, but none of this helps you with information on Cathrine Hedevig Berntsen prior to the 1801 census, unfortunately.

Lisa P.