Louise Nielsen - born 2nd June 1879 København

Startet af Wayne Norton, 26 Maj 2021 - 13:46

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Wayne Norton


I have Louise Nielsen - born 2nd June 1879 in København.
Her mother was Frederikke Vilhelmine Hansen born 13 February in Tikøb, Frederiksborg.
Father could be Johan Mogens Hildebrandt

Could I have some help with the translation of Louise Nielsen's birth record at The Royal Birth and Care Foundation here:

Also, I found a Church record of Louise Nielsen born 2 Jun 1879, although the mothers' name appears to be Frederikke Vilhelmine Sorensen (maybe Hansen) with a date just above that possibly says  May 31 1885.

Is this the same Louise Nielsen and mother from The Royal Birth and Care Foundation and what is 1885 referring to?

Thank you kindly, Wayne :)

Inger Toudal

It's the same Lovise Nielsen - No 248(b) - but seems that Sørensen in the churchbook is an error (or maybe the mother is now married Sørensen?).

- Noteret i Tikjøb Sogn (Skr. fra Mag. af 31/1 1885).

- Hovedprotokol B: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=16415216#421425,39491 - No 248

- Tikøb churchbook: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17224846#206163,39134274

- and https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=21583770#352651,70288658

Mother Frederikke Wilhelmine Hansen was born at Den Kgl. Fødselsstiftelse 13 Feb. 1855:
https://www.danishfamilysearch.dk/churchbook/sogn578/churchlisting131517/opslag14085111 - No 5097

- Hovedprotokol B: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=16415216#421421,3565 - No 5097

- Udsætterprotokol: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=16415220#25,19027 - No 121

Hopefully somebody else can help with the translation.

Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Wayne Norton

Thank you Inger for confirming the Sorensen name and the additional information on mother and child.

Frederikke was married to a Johan Mogens Hildebrandt 28 Apr 1874, Tikøb, Frederiksborg, Denmark

It was said the couple had 3 children:
Carl Christian Hildebrandt born 3 February 1874, Rødovre, København, Danmark
Martin Hildebrandt  born 10 Feb 1875  Faldhøje
And a 3rd child - Unknown Hildebrandt born 2 March 1878  Tikøb, Tikøb, Frederiksborg, Denmark (details have no source references so not convinced they're accurate)

I think the third child (unknown Hildebrandt) could be instead Louise Nielsen.
On speaking with the great-granddaughter of Frederikke's family, she believed Johan Mogens Hildebrandt to be the father of Louise Nielsen.

And why I was hoping the birth record for Louise Nielsen at The Royal Birth and Care Foundation maybe had contained some additional information :)

Apologies for not replying sooner. I live in Australia in a completely different time zone.

Inger Toudal

Carl Christian Hildebrand was born 3 Feb. 1874 in Tikøb:
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=21583770#355886,70410563 - No 4

- his birth was also registered in Rødovre, where his mother had been living 10 months prior to giving birth:

Johan Mogens Hildebrand and Frederikke Vilhelmine Hansen married 28 Apr. 1874 in Tikøb:
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=21583770#355890,70410716 - No 21

Martin Hildebrandt born 10 Feb. 1875:
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=21583770#355886,70410580 - No 43

A baby boy, who died unbaptized, born 22 Dec. 1877 in Tikøb:
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=21583770#355886,70410607 - No 68

- mother Frederikke Vilhelmine Hansen, married, but her husband has left her. Father bachelor Villiam Alexander Olsen.

In the record from Fødselsstiftelsen it says that Frederikke Vilhelmine had given birth to a boy 22 Dec. 1877 in Helsingør.
It also says, that this boy is staying with widow Conradsen in Tikøb. Actually, the boy was born in Tikøb.

He died 5 Feb. 1878 in Tikøb:
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=21583770#355891,70410749 - No 8

- staying with Bekker Conradsen in Plejelt.

The record from Fødselsstiftelsen also says that Frederikke Vilhelmine had been working as a servant for Schiern at
Kronborg Teglgaard [in Tikøb parish] from 1 May to 1 Nov. 1878.

Frederikke Vilhelmine Hansen in the 1860 Census, Tikøb: https://www.danishfamilysearch.com/cid14258079

- in 1880 Census, Gentofte: https://www.danishfamilysearch.com/cid10721518

Christian Hildebrandt in 1880 Census, Tikøb: https://www.danishfamilysearch.com/cid10408952

Martin Hillebrandt in 1880 Census, Tikøb: https://www.danishfamilysearch.com/cid10401454

Louise Nielsen in school protocol 1889, Copenhagen:

Venlig hilsen
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Wayne Norton

Wow, you certainly have helped map out key events for Frederikke Vilhelmine and approximately when Johan Mogens left.

This also means Johan won't be the father of Louise.

Thank you so much.

I'm so grateful for this new information  :)

Kind regards, Wayne

Wayne Norton

The pieces are starting to come together with the help of the above information :)

Frederikke Vilhelmine Hansen is in the 1860 Census Tikøb as a foster child.  Adopted by Conrad Becker Larsen and Peternille Larsen

Also 1870 Census here:

Conrad (the adoptive father) is shown in the marriage of Johan Mogens Hildebrand and Frederikke Vilhelmine Hansen from your earlier post

Bekker Conradsen of Plejelt where Frederikke was staying in 1877/78 (with her unnamed child) is the son Conrad and Peternille (Pernille)

Wayne Norton

I have had a go at translating the death transcript of "Lovise Nielson", although I need help with this part (words in yellow).
Thank you kindly  :)

Housewife. Born:  2 June 1879
Copenhagen. .......... . No: 248b
Mother's No: 252b.
Unmarried ............ Husband: Neils Janus Petersen

Inger Toudal

Husmoder, f. 2 juni 1879 Køben-
havn, Den kgl. Fødselsstiftelse, No 248b
Moderens No 252b.
Gift med fhv. snedker Niels Janus

Housewife, born 2 June 1879 Copenhagen,
Den kongelige Fødselsstiftelse, No 248b
Mother's No 252 b.
Married to former joiner/cabinetmaker Niels
Janus Petersen.

Venlig hilsen
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Wayne Norton