Marcus Juhler & Anne Cathrine Johumsdatter in äbenrå-amt around 1840

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 18 Okt 2017 - 12:12

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people

I am looking after information about this couple Marcus Juhler & Anne Cathrine Johumsdatter, they have twins in 1838 in Løjt, Rise-herred, Åbenrå-amt.

Anne Marie 10/03/1838, Løjt, Rise-herred, Åbenrå-amt. D: 30/03/1838.
Marcus 10/03/1838 Løjt, Rise-herred, Åbenrå-amt. D: 01/04/1838.

Anne Cathrine födt Jochum i Kirkeby.

She could be this one in 1845 !

He could be this 1803

where and when did they get married ?

Venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

Inger Buchard

Try Hoptrup, Haderslev amt
Census 1803:
Navn: Marcus Juhler   Alder: 17   Civilstand: Ugift 10   Stednavn: Diernis
Sogn: Hoptrup Kilde: FT-1803 KIPnr: C0347 Lbnr: 793

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