where is Johan Peter Hölter born 1709 ?

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 14 Okt 2017 - 18:34

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people

I am looking after where and when Johan Peter Hölter is born ?

I have in my papers that he was born 1709 in Trinitatiss-sogn and given name 16 of january, but I cant find him there!

He definitely dies there though and was buried 8 of june 1751.

His father was Johannes Hölter strömpemagersvend.

Venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

Gitte Johansen

Venlig hilsen
Gitte Johansen 8520 Lystrup

gittejohansen(snabel a)rocketmail.com

Tomas Albertsson