Henrich Scheel (1750-1828) vertshusholder in Reykjavík

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 12 Jul 2017 - 08:45

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people

I have here a Danish man named Henrich Friederich Scheel, he was a borger in Reykjavík 10. july 1788, Oeconom ved det Islandske Tugthuus 1787, but did a number of others djobs as well, baker and ran a club (restaurant). He dies in Reykjavík 26. may 1828.
He was married to: Catharina Elisabeth Köster, b. 1. jan. 1744 í Brede, Kongens Lyngbye. In Enkekassen says,
In Notat: Hans fader hedder Peder Madsen. Tro og love erkl. Dåbsattest i RA. also there it is says that he was born in
Den Herre Zebaoths-sogn [Garnisons] in Copenhage, so it should be easy to find his birth but somehow I don't see it there ?

Who were his parents ?

His wife dies in Reykjavík 16. april 1822.

Venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

Gitte Johansen

Venlig hilsen
Gitte Johansen 8520 Lystrup

gittejohansen(snabel a)rocketmail.com

Tomas Albertsson

Mange tak Gitte

I think I need new glasses  ;D

venlig hilsen