What was the name of Georg Alexander Thaae (1733-1788) wife ?

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 15 Maj 2017 - 15:33

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people
I have a problem here !!!

In this document http://www.kb.dk/e-mat/dod/130021575233_bw.pdf G.A.Thaae (1733-1788) wife is said to be Anna Margarethe Hempel BUT here in census 1801 https://www.danishfamilysearch.dk/cid1235099 it says Kommandørinde Thaae Fød Nielsen ?

Is there someone out there that can clarify this ?
Where and when are they married ? that might bring light on this or where did she die! that might clarify something.

        Georg Alexander Thaae,
        f. 8. nóv. 1733 í Kaupmannahöfn,
        d. 11. ágúst 1788 [where ?]
        Commandeurcaptain í Ebberöd, Birkiröd-sókn, Frederiskborg-Amt..

        - 1K.  1759, [Where]
        Anna Margarethe Hempel, [Nielsen]
        f. um 1740,
        d. 3. maí 1810, [where]
        Húsmóði í Danmörku. Ekkja 1801 í Birkeröd-sókn.

Venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

Tomas Albertsson

I found this on him

        Georg Alexander Thaae,
        f. 8. nóv. 1733 í Holmens-sókn, Kaupmannahöfn.
        d. 11. ágúst 1788 í Holmens-sókn, Kaupmannahöfn.
        Commandeurcaptain í Ebberöd, Birkiröd-sókn, Frederiskborg-Amt..

KB Holmen, Köben. 1729-1737. F. Opsl: 242 http://ao.salldata.dk/vis1.php?bsid=151553&side=242
KB Holmen, Köbenh. 1761-1813. D. Opsl:83 http://ao.salldata.dk/vis1.php?bsid=151591&side=83

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