Where is Claus Bendeke (1763-1828) 1801

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 07 Feb 2017 - 10:22

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people

I am looking for where Claus Bendeke (1763-1828) was 1801 ?
What census ?

With him at that time was a man Henrich Kragh from Norway (ca 1770-1826) Skrædersvend 1802 when his son is born Poul Christian f. 13. dec. 1802, ch: 6. feb. 1803 in Vor fruar sogn. Claus Bendeke was a fadder to Poul Christian Kragh. Henrich is married to Sara Lisbeth Møller but I havent found out where or when! She is a servant 1787 at Strandgaden 45 with Hartvig Marius Frich  Justits Raad og Directeur for den Kongl.Grønlandske Handel í Christianshavn Kvarter Kaupmannahöfn.
In 1804 Cl. Benedekte is in Iceland and is to research Ólafs Stephensens stiptamtmand works, and then H. Kragh is made Politibetjent and holds that title until his death 1826, but Bendekte returns to Denmark late 1804.


Venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

Heidi Ilsoee

Heinrich and Sara are married 1801 in Frederiksberg:

Henrich Krag - skræddersv.                                       Trol: 19.11.1801 
Sara Elisabeth Møller                                            Viet: 18.12.1801 
Anm: Hun enke, Trol. dato s anm. t aflysn.                      Sogn: Frederiksberg (1-64-5)

Sara was a widow.

Maybe her first marriage:

Name   Johannes Krogh
Spouse's Name   Sara Elisabeth Moller
Event Date   30 Nov 1787
Event Place   København, København, Denmark

In that case maybe Sara is with some children in 1801:

B: Bolette Sophie                                                 Født: 17.09.1788
F: Johannes Krogh - tobaksspindersv.                              Døbt: 28.09.1788
M: Sara Møller                                                    Sogn: Vor Frelser             
                                                                  KBog: 1-47-18
B: Dorthea Marie                                                 
F: Johannes Krogh - tobaksspindersv.                              Døbt: 06.11.1790
M: Sara Marie Møller                                              Sogn: Vor Frelser             
                                                                  KBog: 1-47-18

Johannes Krogh was also a widower, when he married Sara:

København, København (Staden), Christianshavn Kvarter, Sankt Annæ Gade, 257, 953, FT-1787, B5766
Dortea Krogs     70     Enke(mand)                
Peter Krog     40     Enke(mand)     Søn     Tobaksbinder Svind      
Lisbeth Cathrine NN     11     Ugift     Datter           
Johan Krog     38     Enke(mand)     Broder     Tobaksbinder Svend     

Heidi Ilsoee

Could Claus maybe be in Greenland in 1801?

Tomas Albertsson

Thanks Heidi

Yes he could be in Greenland 1801  ;)
or travelling somewhere with Benedekte and escaping the census

venlig hilsen