Niels Kjær Jensson kjöbmand & laugmand in Iceland 1703-1730

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 29 Jan 2017 - 22:38

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people

I am looking for information about Niels Kjær Jensson, in Lovsamling for Island usually written Niels Kjær he was a kjöbmand and then "laugmand" from 1703-1730. Niels is said to have attended school in Odense. 

Born ca 1670, and said from Svendborg ?
died 10. ock 1730 at Brautarholt in Iceland, said in huge dept.

Married: Þórdís Jónddóttir, d. 1733.

They had one daughter: Margrét (Margareth !), she is said to have left Iceland after her mothers death to her relatives in Denmark. What happened to her ?

venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson