Jean Friedrich Mayer Spillekort Fabriqueur

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 13 Jul 2016 - 17:31

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear Friends

I am looking for information about Jean Friedrich Mayer a producer of playing cards in Copenhagen?

He got the permission from Frederik V king of Denmark 27 Sept. 1752.
He makes playing-cards to 1783, when Christoffer Ernst Süsz (f.1751 - d. ?) takes over.

venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

Tomas Albertsson

Thanks Heidi,

This adds little, but I have found out that he lived at Borgergade 86, in 1756.

Borgergade 86, is said belong to Skt Pauls, kirke in Sankt Annæ Vester kvarter, but the churchbooks only begins at 1858 so it must have belonged to another Kirke-sogn at that time but which one ?

Frank K. Jensen, is the main source on the internet but he did not try to find anything to the card-makers life. I have contacted Frank but he does not have more than is in his books.

Venleg hilsen

Tomas Albertsson