Looking for Hans Pete Jorgensen b Jul 1870 and wife Johanne Marie Jensen

Startet af Nancy Sondy, 04 Jul 2016 - 19:34

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Nancy Sondy

I have been searching the Denmark records and cannot find anything on Jans Peter Jorgensen born Jul 1870 and his wife, Johanne Marie Jensen, birth date unknown.  They were married 1891 and immigrated to the United States in 1892 ending up in Cedar Falls, Iowa.  According to the 1900 Census, he was a widow and had his sister, Stena, living with him.  His sister was born in May of 1872.  I found a possible birth record on familysearch.com that shows Hans Peder Jorgensen born 5 Jul 1870 and christened 26 Mar 1871 in Allerup, Odense, Denmark - parents Jorgen Hansen and Ane Christensen.  I cannot find any records that show the whole family with his sister included to verify that this is the correct record.  Can anyone help me with this search?  Your members helped me add a couple of generations on another of my Danish lines, and I am very grateful that you would share your experience with me.

Many thanks,

Hans Peter Christiansen

 :(Hi Nancy.

This Family  ???

Odense, Odense, Odense Købstad, Odense Kjøbstad, St. Jørgensgade 39, forhus stuen, 2868, FT-1880, B0082
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:    Stilling i husstanden:    Erhverv:    Fødested:
Karen Marie Jørgensen   47   Enke(mand)   marskandiser, husmoder      Brændekilde sogn, Odense Amt
Hans Peter Jørgensen   9   Ugift   søn      Odense
Stine Karoline Jørgensen   6   Ugift   datter      Odense


No - It seems to be a wrong family  :(:

Stine Caroline Jorgensen
Denmark Baptisms
Name   Stine Caroline Jorgensen
Gender   Female
Christening Date   31 Aug 1873
Father's Name   Knud Jorgensen
Mother's Name   Karen Marie Jorgensen
Mvh HP

Nancy Sondy

I don't think that is the right family - I just found a marriage document for Stena Jorgensen b 1896 married in Idaho, shows her middle name as Mariah.

Nancy :)

Hans Peter Christiansen

Navn:   Jørgensen, Hans Peter   Stilling:   Tyende (m/k land)
Alder:   22   Bestemmelsessted:   Cedar Falls, Ia.
Kontrakt nr.:   100300   Forevisningsdato:   12-04-1892
Fødested:   ?   Fødesogn:   ?
Sidste oph.sogn:   ?   Sidste oph. amt:   Holbæk
Sidste oph.sted:   Knapstrup, Holbæk   Bestemmelses land:   USA
Bestemmelses by:   Cedar Falls   Bestemmelses stat:   Iowa
Skibsnavn:   Hekla
IDkode:   D9293J1601
Mvh HP

Bente Wanning

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Nancy Sondy

Hans -
Can you share a link to the manifest for Hans Peter Jorgensen? I have tried finding it in ancestry.com, familysearch, and Ellis Island, and I am not finding this manifest.  Thank you so much - this is him!


Bente Wanning

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Nancy Sondy

Thank you, Bente - The Jorgensen's lived in Cedar Falls, Iowa.  Hans did have a sister named Stena Mariah Jorgensen born 1872.


Nancy Sondy

Thank you, Inger!  I don't know why I didn't find this!!!  It is very frustrating.

Many thanks,