Trying to determine Birth/Baptismal for 3rd Great Grandfather Anders Andersen

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 04 Dec 2015 - 20:50

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Lynn Christiansen

I have been able to locate the Death/Burial entry for Anders Andersen. It is found at
left page last entry


It states that his age is 66 years and 3 days. Calculating back that would put his birth about 1686. Looking through the registers for 1675-1735 in Nors-Tved I have located 4 possible Anders entries
They are:

1) 1682: opslag 20 page 20a-2nd entry

2) 1683: opslag 21 page 21b nest to last entry

3) 1685: opslag 23 page 23a 1st entry

4) 1687: opslag 25 page 25b 2nd entry

Is there a way to determine which, if any, is the correct birth?

My hunch is that it is entry #2 above, opslag 21 because of the patronymic naming process and the names of the witnesses.

Any help would be appreciated...thank you.

RIN 7515
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Ralph Rasmussen

Since the age sounds so precise, I would also look in any other parish served by the same pastor.

But yes, in rural areas Anders Andersen would necessarily be the son of an Anders.  So of those you found the best candidate is #2.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø